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Quality Private Christian Education

Focused classes. Faith-oriented. Built for the future.


Student painting in art class
Explore Creativity

Exploring the gifts and talents God has given each of us.

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Our Vision

To honor God by providing quality Christian education and experiences.

Elementary students working at their seat
Excellence in Education

Small classes and personalized attention for each student.

A teacher is presenting her lesson to her students
Dedicated Teachers

Teachers dedicated to the success of every student.

Student balancing a balloon with a badminton racket
Noble Knights

Training students, through Biblical principles, to become a person of noble character.

Welcome to grace academy

We believe faith and learning should work hand-in-hand, and Christian education is the key to producing graduates who will make a positive impact on the world around them.

As a private institution, it is our goal to provide all students in the tri-state area with a quality education by hiring the best teachers, and offering the best academic, athletic, and fine arts opportunities.

Photo of the 2024 Seniors posing with the bus

Grace Academy News & Events

The More you know


At our school, we believe athletic opportunities are an important aspect of teaching our students how to glorify God holistically in heart, soul, mind and strength (derived from Mark 12:30). In our athletic program, our coaches focus on teaching teamwork and individual improvement for the benefit of the whole team.


Annual auction save the date graphic
Save the date graphic for the annual auction



Logo for Grace Academy's Shaped for Service initiative

Grace Academy strongly believes in the value of service to others.  Not only because of what it teaches our students as individuals, but because God commands us to do it!  "Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God's grace in its various forms. Do not be slothful in zeal, be fervent in spirit, serve the Lord" 1 Peter 4:10-11.