Mission & Vision
Our Mission
To enhance the God-given potential in each student through quality Christian education so they may be servants of Jesus Christ in the world.
Our Vision
To honor God by providing quality Christian education and experiences.
Statement of Faith
Our Statement of Faith at Grace Academy integrates Biblical principles into daily lessons. We hold our students to a certain standard of behavior during school-sponsored programs.
We Believe:
- The Bible is the complete, inerrant, inspired Word of God.
- God exists in an eternal trinity as Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
- Jesus Christ is the Son of God who was born of a virgin; lived a sinless and perfect life; died as a substitute to pay for the sins of the world; bodily arose from the grave on the third day; ascended to heaven; and makes intercession for believers today.
- People are sinful and separated from God and must trust in Jesus as Savior for the forgiveness of their sins to receive the gift of eternal life.
- The Holy Spirit renews a believer’s heart and mind, making him/her a new creation, and enables him/her to live the Christian life.
- Believers are called to live holy lives in service to God out of gratitude for what God has done for them.
- The Church as the body of Christ includes true believers from all races, languages and continents.
- Believers look forward to the Lord Jesus Christ to return again to the earth to resurrect the saints, judge the world and reign on the earth.